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One4all Gift Cards

One4all Gift Cards falls under the umbrella of Black Hawk Network. We conducted a 3 month test-and-learn phase in 3 waves with Meta and Google Display throughout their first quarter. The objective of the following was to figure out which of their products’ characteristics are most compelling to their audience. This approach allowed us to isolate variables to increase confidence in our learnings while maximizing creative efficiency. In our findings we were able to optimize our marketing approach that enabled us to begin the full rollout of One4all's rebrand. I was responsible for creative directing and conceptualizing One4all's rebrand approach to their existiing social media platform and partner platform 

Social Media Paid Ads & Google Display Banner Rollout

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Copyright © 2024 - Desiree Guerra | I'm Dez. All rights reserved. 

Any images in site serves solely to showcase the work of Desiree Guerra. Images, logos, references and names mentioned in this site are the property of the respective network, company or other owning entity. No challenge to ownership is inferred.

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